skip to main content centre international de mathématiques pures et appliquées toggle navigation about us schools support for training in research short-term thematic programs further links ^ mission and activities history funding partners pay fees or make a donation governance executive team governing board steering committee scientific council membership directory of members ^ mission et activités histoire financement partenaires payer la cotisation ou faire un don gouvernance équipe de direction conseil d’administration comité de pilotage conseil scientifique adhésion annuaire des membres ^ presentation of schools 2018 schools 2019 schools all schools participate in a school 2020 schools call for projects documents (for organizers) schools in partnership ^ présentation des écoles écoles 2018 écoles 2019 toutes les écoles participer à une école appel à projet d'écoles pour 2020 documents (pour les organisateurs) écoles en partenariat ^ call for applications upcoming activities past activities ^ appel à candidatures activités à venir activités passées ^ call for applications partners upcoming programs past and current visitors ^ appel à candidatures partenaires programmes à venir visiteurs anciens et actuels ^ funding opportunities masters scholarships opportunities ibni prize library resources newsletter mathematical societies miscellaneous downloads ^ possibilités de financements bourses d'études de master prix ibni ressources documentaires infolettre du sociétés mathématiques miscellanée téléchargements ^ previous next poster 2019 ihp trimester : "analytics, inference and computation in cosmology" the three new laureates of the -carmin program have arrived in france to participate in the ihp trimester "analytics, inference and computation in cosmology" from september 3th to december 14th, 2018. before going to ihp in paris, shabbir shaikh from india, nirban bose from india and nassima khaldi from algeria, are spending one week in cargèse (corsica) to attend the kick-off school. we wish them a wonderful ihp trimester. 9 supports for training in research for the period october 2018-february 2019 is happy to announce the list of supports for training in research that will be funded for the period october 2018-february 2019: africa saida (algeria): " inférence statistique et théorie de l'information pour des processus markoviens et semi-markoviens " by vlad stefan barbu (université de rouen, france). ziguinchor (senegal): " courbes algébriques pour une arithmétique efficace des corps finis ", by tony mack robert ezome mintsa (université des sciences et techniques de masuku (ustm), gabon). read more about 9 supports for training in research for the period october 2018-february 2019 west asian mathematical schools (wams) - call 2019 is open for more information, please visit: general assembly of june 2018 the next meeting of general assembly will take place on friday 29 june at 1pm, at université paris descartes, ufr maths info, amphi fourier, 5th floor, 45 rue des saint-pères, 75006 paris. proclamation of the results - ibni prize 2018 ibni prize 2018 - june 28, 2018 jean-michel marin, president of the société fraçaise de statistique (sfds) thierry horsin, president of the société de mathématiques appliquées et industrielles (smai) stéphane seuret, president of the société mathématique de france (smf) are pleased to announce that the oumar mahamat saleh's prize 2018 has been awarded to ibrahima hamidine and el hadji abdoulaye thiam read more about proclamation of the results - ibni prize 2018 meeting of young african researchers in france at ihp on december 6-7, 2018 l’apsa (association pour la promotion scientifique de l’afrique) organise les 6-7 décembre à l’institut henri poincaré une rencontre de deux jours dédiée aux jeunes scientifiques originaires de pays d’afrique subsaharienne venus effectuer en france tout ou partie de leurs études supérieures en sciences mathématiques, physique fondamentale et appliquée, et informatique. cette rencontre est en priorité destinée aux doctorants, qu’ils soient accueillis dans le cadre d’une thèse en cotutelle ou dans le cadre d’un doctorat français. read more about meeting of young african researchers in france at ihp on december 6-7, 2018 call for proposals 2019 for african mathematical schools (ema) the call for proposals 2019 for african mathematical schools (ema) is open, more information here . 2020 research schools call for projects the call for projects for 2020 research schools is open, more information here . poster 2019 discover and download the poster of research schools 2019 by clicking here . ibni prize 2018 the three french mathematical societies, sfds, smai and smf have created in 2009 the prize ibni oumar mahamat saleh in his memory. it has been awarded annually to a young mathematician of central or west africa and has been funding a scientific visit of a few months every year since 2009 until 2015. read more about ibni prize 2018 interview of jorge mozo fernandez, professor at the university of valladolid (spain) and scientific officer to watch the interview of professor jorge mozo fernandez, please click here . 30 supports for training in research for the period january 2018-september 2018 is happy to announce the list of supports for training in research that will be funded for the period january 2018-september 2018: read more about 30 supports for training in research for the period january 2018-september 2018 happy new year 2018! the wishes a very happy new year to all fellow mathematicians around the world! ramanujan prize the abdus salam international centre for theoretical physics (ictp) is looking for good, young mathematicians from developing countries to be nominated for the 2018 ramanujan prize. the prize, which has been awarded annually since 2005, is funded by the department of science and technology of the government of india (dst), and is administered jointly by ictp, the international mathematical union (imu), and the dst. read more about ramanujan prize the scientific council met in paris to study the projects of research schools for 2019 the scientific council of has had a two days meeting at the institut henri poincaré in paris to work on project proposals of research schools for 2019. is very grateful to all the members of this council for their time and energy. the selection of schools will be finalized during the next steering committee meeting in sevilla on january 25-26, 2018. show all news shortcuts sign up for the newsletter research schools 2020, call for projects make a donation to call for support for training in research call for -carmin funding for ihp trimester schools support for training in research short-term thematic programs about us home contact us legal notices log-in centre international de mathematiques pures et appliquées
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